My Story

Everyday, by the time we wake up until we get back to sleep, there are lots of thoughts running in our heads. And it’s up for us to convert them into actions that will change our lives, either positively or negatively. Experts believe that humans can think about 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day, but out of these thousands, only a fraction will influence us to filter or to treat it as an opportunity of improving ourselves.

I have this kind of overthinking personality which I can only express through writing. This page started out only as a mode of promoting my business (I am an online seller, an insurance agent and a frustrated writer by the way) because that’s how mentors told me to do- have my own niche. However, as an over thinker, I couldn’t just easily miss the things I want to express outside of my niche. So now, I’ve finally decided to use this page in sharing whatever topics that pops out of my mind. Maybe my niche is general, broad or basic thoughts. Hence, derived the name ALLGEMEIN THOUGHTS. ‘Allgemein’ [Al-geh-mayn] is a German term for general, but why use German? That’s because I am learning how to be fluent in this language and am dreaming of travelling or working in this beautiful European country in the future.

I write any topic but this page is not like the others. More of information dissemination and education but less of entertainment posts. My topics will cover something about education, health, English language, German language, mental health, Spiritual topics, motivations, books, devotions, travel, theology and mostly personal finances, insurance, and investments.

Promotion of my personal business is still here so I also invite you to join me, be my business partner or your mentor in transforming lives through reading and/or financial literacy.
Learn more about the wonderful world of insurance business through reaching out my e-mail address and my contact number:; 0919-861-8905.

Sometimes, what I’m doing gives me the feeling of being useless or empty, but I know this has the power to change me, you and the people around us forever.

Silver P. Comila, Founder, Allgemein Thoughts

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