Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 11

On Dealing with Arguments

When you find yourself arguing with someone, surely it will not give you comfort. You'll only realize that your efforts, your energy and your time were wasted from the argument. Most of the time, you don't have to show that you are always the winner. Trying to let go of your pride shows that you are humbly and respectfully winning but which the other party cannot notice.

Life is also full of battles (including those healthy and senseless arguments) but you don't have to involve yourself in each right? You have to choose your battles wisely.

Come up not with a war freak solution to resolve the argument. Instead, value the art of heartfelt listening and understanding. This is one of the best solutions that will bring both of you a peaceful mind and heart.

Photo Credits: https://pixabay.com/photos/heart-shape-tree-red-outdoors-1714807/

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