Saturday, March 9, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 4

On Winning And Understanding Your Prospects


Do you want to win the heart of your prospects? One of the ways to convince them buy your product is to assess their personality with regards to your presentation. There are those analytical- prospects who feel more energized to a presentation filled with numbers, tables, statistics, surveys and empirical data. And there are those creative- prospects who put much value on artistry, resourcefulness, logic and theories. They easily get bored by a plain and simple powerpoint ( especially if it is only textual).
Your presentation is the lifeblood of your product so it's important to assess the profile of your audience before anything else. If at most cases however, you find it difficult to know your audience, then display your business analytically and creatively. You have to understand both are needed to be successful in winning them.
Remember 'though that an excellent presentation will not guarantee you that your prospects will buy your product immediately but the brighter side is it embeds subtle impressions that will increase your sales later or sometime in the future. If not now, they will buy it from you someday or they will surely and definitely refer someone to you.

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