Saturday, March 9, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 8

On Living Only Once

Ever heard of the acronym #YOLO (You Only Live Once)? For some, the term should best fit as #YODO (You Only Die Once) because we cannot regain our life when we're already dead. The truth is, whichever term we want to use among the two, these teaches us about life's contentment.
Every day of our life, we have been given the freedom to choose what we want to do in life but our choice should not take “normal” life for granted. We might choose to work very hard, to take 2-3 jobs daily, to become busy all day but when someone or something important to us is lost, we’d be wallowing in regrets, wishing we had more time for more important things in life before it happened.
Take time for our family, take time for our loved ones, take time for those in need, take time for God. No matter how big the expenses may seem to get from your savings, remember that spending time for your loved ones is not an expense but a big investment without any risks involved.

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