Monday, March 25, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 20

On Listening to the Elders

It has been said that the generation today is different from the generations in the past which most young people would find it difficult to accept the advice of a baby boomer. It sounds completely true but a millennial or a generation z person should remember that there is always wisdom in the counsel of elders no matter how it goes against your decision. This is not to say, take all what they are saying. Of course, there are some things they perceive as just a misconception or a myth.

Just filter their words and retain and apply in your life those that makes sense. Listen to them carefully and learn from their words of wisdom- those that connects them to their real life experiences because their stories will teach you how to prevent yourself from failing or to achieve success in life.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 19

On Mountains and Weaknesses

The beauty of mountains cannot be defined by their own slope or shape. The uniqueness shines out when they have been grouped into a place perfectly fit for each other despite of irregularities. The same as true with life. We shine so bright when we look at our weaknesses or irregularities in the brighter side, the discovery by which they have been placed for a greater and valuable purpose.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 18

On Investing Our Treasure

This is a very much sensitive topic but investing your treasure means multiplying it to share to God and those in need. God wants you to become rich not because he wants you to completely enjoy the fruits of your prosperity but because he wants you to share these blessings to your ministry and others.

The world defines rich as something that describes selfish, greedy and materialistic people but God doesn't define it that way.

If you highly put value on your money and is serving is as your treasure, then it may become your master and you won't be giving much of it away. But if your treasure is in knowing people (including strangers) and responding to the help they need, your heart without any force or pressure, will much more likely motivate you to support them financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Rick Warren, author of the famous book, The Purpose-Driven Life has sold over 30 million copies worldwide making him one of the richest men in the world. But he knew his wealth was intended for God's purpose and so 90% of all his royalties from his books were donated to charities, ministries and building churches in poorer countries. He only gets 10% of his profits for his living. INVEST YOUR TREASURE WISELY

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 17

On Investing Our Talent Wisely

Most people think, "How can we serve God and others if we don't have a talent?"

Every person was born with a special and unique talent that God has given to them. The problem lies on your perception. We need to discover them and invest it for the greater service that will bring honor and glory to God. Others may equate talent to something that is attractive to the public but the truth is, this kind of notion is wrong. Remember that even when people see your talent as something that is not worthy to be praised for, you can be happier than them if you invested and used it properly. I will never forget my favorite analogy of the talent to the appendix. The appendix is an accessory organ of the digestive system. Medical experts say this has no important function at all. But once the organ has been inflamed and without prompt treatment, it can affect the intestine, the peritoneum (transparent covering of the digestive system), the heart and worse, your whole body which leads you to death. How then do we invest our appendix to remain healthy? Simple, By proper nutrition and exercise. So, if you think your talent is like an appendix, you'll never know how much will it affect you and God who entrusted you such gift for a greater purpose. INVEST YOUR TALENT WISELY

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 16

On Time Investment
All people in the world have only 24 hours a day. No person was ever recorded to beat that. In a sense, time is a universal leveler because you can easily distinguish the time of the rich and time of the poor. But neither the rich nor the poor can create additional time. Once you used it for something bad or good and wasteful or useful, it is already gone and once it is gone, it is gone forever. The course of this wisdom is then to invest our time that will give us merits of joy, not only in our life to this world but our life with our master in the eternal side. INVEST YOUR TIME WISELY.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 15

On Doing What is Always Right

One measure of looking at a person with integrity is when they surpass the limit of doing what is right. They go the extra mile to do it. They don't stick their lives to mediocrity. They don't follow what the crowd is doing. They follow Jesus Christ and they represent him in everything. What about you? Do you represent God in your work? Do you do the right thing even when everyone is doing wrong?
Give the best shot for your work. Let your integrity be shown to the world. Then the world will be attracted to the God you're representing.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 14

On Ending Your Last Working Day of the Week

When you've invested much of your time and effort just because you want to step up in the ladder of your success, then it's okay to feel accomplished. But you always have to remember your motives behind this accomplishment. If you are thirsty of achieving something but is bounded by greed and selfishness, your success is worth nothing and useless.

Work is something worthy to celebrate for. But always coat this with value, with passion and with purpose.

The key of the most successful people in the world has something to do with their purpose.

Live. Laugh. Value. Celebrate

Adviser Thoughts- Day 13

On Blessings And Opportunities

Hundreds of blessings and opportunities are surpassing our life everyday but don't get me wrong, we tend reject and neglect most of them. That is because our mind has been bounded by a lot of unexcusable excuses. These will encourage us to always view the negative effects of opportunities. It also pulls us down.

... So if you always let your own opportunities be defeated by your own invented excuses, you are giving up your power to change and improve your life for the better.

Remember that life gets harder to achieve anything if you always blurt excuses. This also creates waste and not creative energy.

Opportunities can be found just around the corner of our lives and when you grab, it will be there to guide you on your progress. At a glance, it will require you to pass the tests of patience and struggles but you will soon learn to embrace them because in the end, it's your life that will benefit the most.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 12

On Continuous Education

Many of us believe that education is always the key to success. It's also the best investment vehicle to improve our lives and to understand our world better.

However, getting your own education shouldn't stop upon university or college graduation. There are still a lot of things you have to learn. Don't just rely on your own formal schooling. As a wise adage say, "Learning is a continuous and a lifelong process."

Attend more seminars, read more books, enroll for a post-graduate schooling, enroll for a short course, explore opportunities even beyond your comfort zone, approach a mentor who will guide you.

By this, you are now getting the real meaning of being rich.

Live. Learn. Ask
Be Wise

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 11

On Dealing with Arguments

When you find yourself arguing with someone, surely it will not give you comfort. You'll only realize that your efforts, your energy and your time were wasted from the argument. Most of the time, you don't have to show that you are always the winner. Trying to let go of your pride shows that you are humbly and respectfully winning but which the other party cannot notice.

Life is also full of battles (including those healthy and senseless arguments) but you don't have to involve yourself in each right? You have to choose your battles wisely.

Come up not with a war freak solution to resolve the argument. Instead, value the art of heartfelt listening and understanding. This is one of the best solutions that will bring both of you a peaceful mind and heart.

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 10

On Being Grateful

Seeing our negative circumstances in a different light is one key technique to life's improvement-- That is to start disciplining ourselves to have the habit of thanking God. There maybe a lot of negative things happening in life, but we need to remember: Somebody has a worse situation than we do.

If we keep on complaining and always looking at the wrong things, this will not help us. Take a reflection on the following situations:
1. Thinking of quitting your job? Somebody who doesn't have a stable job for so many years would like to have a job that is yours.

2. Want to change your old-beat up car but can't afford to buy a new one? There is someone who keeps on riding in a public transport 2-3x before reaching his/her workplace. He/she would like to have a car even if it is to be like yours.

3. Tired of taking care of your children just because you always clean the mess they make? Some couples are spending heavily for undergoing all kinds of medical procedures because they are willing to sacrifice everything to be able to clean up a mess like what your children is making.

4. Do you have poor self-image because you don't have that desired body size? Someone else who is confined in the hospital would love to have a body even if it is to be like yours.

5. Always receiving a low salary but you eat 3x a day? Someone else envies you because you belong to the top 25% of the richest people on earth.

There are more things that we need to thank God for. Just get in the habit of being grateful and then you and I will become one of the happiest people.

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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Adviser Thoughts- Day 9

On Developing Our Character


One big mistake that we pray is to let God change our struggling circumstances in life. As what others say, life would be boring if we are not being challenged by our own adversities and trials. We can’t escape from everything that is too difficult in our lives. The presence of such circumstances defines our role to recognize its refining purpose. Then when our eyes are widely open to see it, pray instead that God would change our character. He is more interested in changing us than the circumstance we are in.

Adviser Thoughts- Day 8

On Living Only Once

Ever heard of the acronym #YOLO (You Only Live Once)? For some, the term should best fit as #YODO (You Only Die Once) because we cannot regain our life when we're already dead. The truth is, whichever term we want to use among the two, these teaches us about life's contentment.
Every day of our life, we have been given the freedom to choose what we want to do in life but our choice should not take “normal” life for granted. We might choose to work very hard, to take 2-3 jobs daily, to become busy all day but when someone or something important to us is lost, we’d be wallowing in regrets, wishing we had more time for more important things in life before it happened.
Take time for our family, take time for our loved ones, take time for those in need, take time for God. No matter how big the expenses may seem to get from your savings, remember that spending time for your loved ones is not an expense but a big investment without any risks involved.

Adviser Thoughts- Day 7

On Having Positive Habits


Habits are already considered a critical component of one's life. We will find our lives difficult to live or exist without it. The only problem is that habits are neutral. If we consistently do acts that are bad, then the energy we're trying to invest in is not worth the price. If we consistently perform acts that are good, then we're investing our energy into something that's valuable.
Do you want to invest in a life full of good habits? Zig Ziglar suggested 10 good habits to acquire which he believes are indespensible in our lives.
1. Habit of staying motivated
2. Habit of listening
3. Habit of learning
4. Habit of reading
5. Habit of redeeming the time
6. Habit of doing our best
7. Habit of rest
8. Habit of self-discipline
9. Habit of going the extra mile
10. Habit of pure thoughts

Adviser Thoughts- Day 6

On Compassion

Compassion is such a strong and magnificent word to practice as a human being but like happiness, it also comes with a choice: Will we let that sink only within ourselves or will we allow it to offer to someone in need?
If you choose the latter, then don’t just offer acts of kindness and generosity. You can be kind and generous to the person needing your help but at the same time, you can also become judgmental. Being compassionate means stripping off our clothes of judgment, criticism and non-empathic advice because people who are hungry with compassion don’t need these. What they need is a friend clothed with genuine caring. A friend who is there to encourage them, who will be there not only to hear their story but to listen with all their heart.
I believe humanity will survive if the world is filled with love and compassion.

Adviser Thoughts- Day 5

On Choosing To Be Happy Always

Every day, by the time you wake up in the morning, start feeling God’s presence and choose to be happy. Even when stress, turmoil and problems slaps your face early in the morning. You actually have two choices on how you are going to respond- Will you face it by painting a beautiful smile on your face or will you just stay on your bed and keep worrying or thinking the whole day? If you choose to stay on your bed, then it’s not going to make you feel better.
Joel Osteen in his book Your Best Life Now, says that happiness is a decision you make, not an emotion you feel. So it’s important for you to decide or make things that would make your day better. It will always rely on your decision to serve the day today like it’s the best day of your life.

Adviser Thoughts- Day 4

On Winning And Understanding Your Prospects


Do you want to win the heart of your prospects? One of the ways to convince them buy your product is to assess their personality with regards to your presentation. There are those analytical- prospects who feel more energized to a presentation filled with numbers, tables, statistics, surveys and empirical data. And there are those creative- prospects who put much value on artistry, resourcefulness, logic and theories. They easily get bored by a plain and simple powerpoint ( especially if it is only textual).
Your presentation is the lifeblood of your product so it's important to assess the profile of your audience before anything else. If at most cases however, you find it difficult to know your audience, then display your business analytically and creatively. You have to understand both are needed to be successful in winning them.
Remember 'though that an excellent presentation will not guarantee you that your prospects will buy your product immediately but the brighter side is it embeds subtle impressions that will increase your sales later or sometime in the future. If not now, they will buy it from you someday or they will surely and definitely refer someone to you.

Adviser Thoughts- Day 3

On Learning From Your Failures

Failure from the result of whatever things you want to achieve gives you only two lessons in life: Invent or improve.
Invent a new strategy or a new solution if the execution of your plans and ideas persistently fails.
Improve your plans and ideas if you can't think of new ones to invent.
Never stop at what you think you've already arrived. A person striving for excellence continuously educates himself/herself after college graduation, continuously searching for work after finding a promising and rewarding job. And most especially, he/she continuously learns from all the failures he/she experienced in life. 

Adviser Thoughts- Day 2

On Love and Jealousy

There's this common adage that believes love is blind and people are trying to link it with their experiences of falling to someone they should not. In reality, love is NOT blind because love is so perfect and holy that it fulfills the joy, satisfaction, and purpose of living and existing. It is not about responding to our emotions but more of a response from the will.
What then makes it blind? It is when we let jealousy eat-up the real definition of love. It is when envy drains the benefits that love has to offer-- that if allowed to grow, it breeds more hatred and anger.
Never compare yourself to others and never focus all your energy to the things that others have but your loved ones doesn't have.
Josh Billings once mused about this and I want to re-phrase it this way: " When you look through the telescope, you're viewing the universal definition of love but when you look through the microscope, you're viewing the tiny organisms of jealousy which slowly kills your life."

Adviser Thoughts- Day 1

On Getting Out of Our Comfort Zone


" The opposite of courage is not fear but conformity," says John Mason. Fulfilling what our heart wants us to be requires courage in getting out of our own comfort but many would rather choose staying in this zone not because of fear but of conforming to the standards of the society and other people.

Books and E-Books for Sale

In this section, I just want to sell some of my second-hand books  in good conditions. All books to be sold are related to business, money, finances, and motivations.

Investing In Bonds - What You Need To Know About It?

One way to invest your money is by putting it to bonds. In layman's term, bond is similar to debts. If you lend money to someone, you earn through an interest rate as agreed. It's the same thing with bonds.


How to Invest in Time - Deposit Account?

If you’re a first-timer in investing and you don’t know where and how, putting your funds in a time-deposit account is one good way to start. Let us learn everything about time-deposit account and how to invest your money in it.

What is a Time Deposit Account?

What Is A Unit-Investment Trust Fund and How To Invest?

Most of the features of UITF were already discussed under Pooled and Mutual funds. What I want you to know more is the difference between the types of pooled funds. So what makes UITF different from MF? Continue reading so you will know.

What is UITF?

What Is A Variable-Unit Linked Insurance and How to Invest in It?

As college savings, healthcare balances and/or retirement plans are becoming a critical piece in investing, the creation of another type of investing called Variable Unit Links (VULs) are becoming ubiquitous for every investor. Let us have a look.

What is a Mutual Fund and How It Works?


Take the definition again of pooled funds and that is where you can get an idea what really is a mutual fund. It is actually a legal investment vehicle that collects funds from the public so they will diversify it in different investment areas such as equities, bonds and money markets as required by law. As what was stated from the pooled funds, an investor entrusts his/her money to a fund expert who will professionally manage them. Your fund manager will of course charge you for the service but in a small fee.

Investing in Pooled Funds- What You Need to Know About it?

If for some good reasons you are averse in taking a very risky type of investment or you do not have enough time to study and learn more about the stocks, then pooled funds is another thing you might want to consider.

What are Pooled Funds?

What You Need to Know About Stocks and the Stock Market

The "Buy Low, Sell High" Expression

Have you ever heard or read of the “Buy low, Sell high” expression? If your answer is a big and resounding YES, then I guess you already have some experience strategizing, analyzing and monitoring your own account at the stock market. It also sounds that you are already on your way becoming a “wall street” whiz. If your answer is “NO” or “NEVER” on the other hand, then it seems that you might be an average Joe, trying and starting to learn how to take more control of your investments or you maybe someone who knows about investing but never learned, heard or read about the above-mentioned phrase.

Should you rely on your SSS/GSIS for your retirement?

Your monthly contribution for your future pension is one good way to prepare for your retirement but it’s not enough. Even when planning for your retirement, it is important to predict possible scenarios that might happen to you.

5 Characteristics of an Excellent Network Marketing Company

5 Good Signs to say you are in the Right Network Marketing Company

In the Philippines, there’s a popular business phrase that everybody has heard of. Just as when you hear “Open-minded ka ba?” (Are you open minded?), for sure you’ll know it’s pertaining to an invitation of joining a networking business.

15 Commonly Used Tech Terms in Our Everyday Life

15 Tech Terms That Affects Our Everyday Language

As the age of information and communication technology continuously evolve, so does the terms that we are using now. Many technology terms now have become a part of our everyday life. Let us look at those terms.

Preparing Your Child For An Expensive Medicine Course

Guide To Preparing Your Child Who Wants To Become A Doctor

A couple of years ago, the Department of Health said that the Philippines need thousands of doctors to be able to adequately render service in the health needs of Filipinos. I believe that a lot of young Filipinos today would love to take a medicine course but why only few are able to attain it? What might be one solution for you as a parent to address this need?

5 Social Media Accounts an Entrepreneur Must Have

If you are an entrepreneur, it is important that you create your online presence by having accounts at various social media platforms. They not only let you promote your products or services but also connect you with your customers. Here is a list of 5 best social media platforms that an entrepreneur must make presence at to achieve business goals.

5 Helpful Tips to Guide You on Building Emergency Fund

Managing and Building Your Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund is a money set aside from your own salary or income to cover unexpected expenses. Many financial planners would even tell you that the very first thing to save is to allot it for your emergency fund.

Guide To Putting Up Your Own Savings Account

Creating a savings account in the bank of your choice is the most common type of investment. It seems you have your own account too but this article serves just as a refresher.


From my own assessment, this is the most convenient, easiest, most accessible, safest and the most commonly used type of investment. Savings deposit lets you park your money in the bank and you can even withdraw anytime you want.

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What Is A Variable-Unit Linked Insurance and How to Invest in It?

As college savings, healthcare balances and/or retirement plans are becoming a critical piece in investing, the creation of another type of ...